A warm welcome from The Downland Poets

A warm welcome from The Downland Poets. We are a county poetry group, for residents in East and West Sussex.


Founded on 10th January 1975, at The Lansdowne Hotel, Eastbourne, this society is a county group, for poets resident in East and West Sussex.  The society exists to encourage practising poets to come together to discuss poetry, read their own works, listen to visiting guest poets, join in poetry workshops, and to take part in public readings if they are willing; above all, to make progress in their chosen medium of literary expression - poetry.  A high standard of English is expected from those wishing to join the society.  Prospective members are asked to send six poems to the Membership Secretary for consideration of membership.

A condition of membership is not that a poet must have been published, but one that is keen to further his or her ability in poetic composition by coming together with a group of like-minded poets on a regular basis.  Anyone seeking membership of the society is expected to be in a position to attend most meetings unless prevented by illness or transport difficulties, when apologies for absence should be given to the Secretary.

The society meets monthly on a Wednesday evening, from 18:30 - 20:45 (not February, August or December).  In August, we have an outdoor summer meeting at a suitable venue. In December, a Christmas lunch is held at an additional cost at a suitable hotel or public house, when members meet together to join in the Christmas festivities. 

Our venue for the Wednesday evening meetings is the Hampden Park Bowls Club in Eastbourne.

The Downlander is our poetry magazine, published twice yearly in March and September, which publishes the work of members. We have two issues of a newsletter which provides news of members' activities and poetry successes.

There is an annual internal competition - 'The Edna Bourne-Jones Memorial Cup Competition' - for members only, for which there is no entry fee. This has an independent adjudicator who is not a member of the society, who judges the best poem and the runner-up.  Two cups are awarded for this competition - a solid silver one for the winner, 'The Edna Bourne-Jones Memorial Cup for Poetry' and a plated one for the runner-up, 'The Edna Alice Memorial Cup'. These cups are held for one year from the award.  Certificates are presented to the winner, runner-up and to members achieving 'Highly Commended' awards.  The competition is maintained on a friendly level and on adjudication day, held in September, there is an air of excitement and anticipation as members come together to hear what the adjudicator has to say.

The society is entirely self-supporting, and non-profit-making, receiving no grant whatsoever.  The current annual membership fee is £25, inclusive of two issues of The Downlander and the newsletter, payable by 31st January of each year; for those joining on or after 1st July, the fee is £10 for the remainder of the year.  There is also a one-off additional annual fee of £10 for social membership of the venue [Hampden Park Bowls Club, Eastbourne], and members contribute £1 at each meeting they attend to contribute to printing and postal costs of the society.

Guests of members are welcome at most meetings at a charge of £2 per meeting.