A warm welcome from The Downland Poets

A warm welcome from The Downland Poets. We are a county poetry group, for residents in East and West Sussex.

Themes from previous years

2023 meetings

January: AGM, plus poems on themes of  Dilemmas or Frustrations.
March: A poem in a set form. 
April: Beachcombing
May: Thoughts on a landscape. 
June: Walk on the Wild Side or Adventures.
July: Skyscapes.
September: Results of the EBJ poetry competition. 
October: Difference or Conformity.  
November: The Old Man in the Brown Hat. 
December: Christmas luncheon

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2022 meetings

February:  AGM
March: Animals/ Birds
April: Unexpected meeting/ Bowler Hat
May: 7 minute dash. Only one of the following to be decided on the night - to be pulled from a hat!              [Windiest/wettest/day/morning/afternoon/evening/night of the year]
June: Plague/ Pandemic
July: Poem for a child or humorous poem
August: meet in a tea garden [to be announced]
September: Edna Bourne-Jones Cup Adjudication Evening [EBJ]. 
October: The elements
November: Reputation[s]
December: Christmas luncheon

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2020 meetings

January: A.G.M. plus poems on the theme of Skin Deep.
All further meetings postponed due to the Covid 19 pandemic.

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2019 meetings

January: A.G.M. plus poem(s) of your choice.
March: Faith (in all meanings of the word).
April: workshop on sonnets and other set forms, with Dr Jon Nay.
May: laughter or satire.
June: a poem beginning or containing the phrase: 'The day I left...'
July: friendship. Venue: Litlington Tea Gardens.
September: E.B.J. Memorial Cup adjudication evening.
October: secrets.
November: darkness.
December: Christmas Luncheon.

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2018 Meetings

January: AGM & no set theme.
March: any theme, set forms.
April: poem on a painting or other work of art.
May: free choice, plus a favourite poem by a favourite poet.
June: deceit and deception.
July: festivals, fairs and fun.  Venue: Litlington Tea Gardens.
September: EBJ Adjudication evening.
October: Sandra's '7 Minute Dash' and poems on animals.
November: dreams and fantasies.
December: Christmas Luncheon.

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2017 meetings

January: A.G.M. & no set theme.
March:  Any theme, set form.
April: Survival.
May: No set theme, but a short workshop: writing for 7 minutes on a word that is revealed on the night.
June: You must use the following phrase anywhere within your poem, 'The last time I saw...'
July: Summer Meeting - Litlington Tea Gardens.
September:  E.B.J.  Adjudication Evening.
October: Poems written for a child/children.
November: A poem written for an occasion.
December: Christmas Luncheon and festive poems.

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2016 meetings

January: AGM & a poem on The months of the year (or a particular day, week or month).
March:  A poem by one of your favourite poets & a poem of your own in their style.
April: Water (in any form, waterfall, river, sea, rain, etc.
May: Memories.
June: Trains, boats and planes, (or) trains (or) boats (or) planes.
July: Summer Meeting - Poetry Cafe at The White Horse Inn, Bodle Street Green.
September:  E.B.J.  Adjudication Evening.
October: Hills, dales, mountains, valleys.
November: Love and Laughter.
December: Christmas Luncheon and festive poems.

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2015 meetings 

January: AGM & a poem on The World Around Us.
March:  A living creature.
April: 40th Anniversary
May: 800th Anniversary of Magna Carta: poems on freedom of speech, liberty and human rights.
June: A Sussex Landmark, public or personal.
July: Summer Meeting Theme: Laughter.  
September:  E.B.J.  Adjudication Evening.
October: 150th Anniversary of Rudyard Kipling’s birth: poems by Kipling, about Kipling or in his style.
November: Travel or a journey.
December: Christmas Luncheon and festive poems.

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2014 meetings 

January: AGM & a poem on winter memories.
March: William Blake: opinions on him, poems by him and one of your own in a similar style..
April: Poems on people you have known, loved, hated or admired.
May: Flora and Fauna.
June: The Glories (or otherwise) of June.
July: Summer Meeting A poem on the spirit of summer. (Venue: Litlington Tea Gardens)
September: E.B.J.  Adjudication Evening.
October: Mysticism and/or magic, plus a poem by a famous poet on the same theme.
November: Poems on time and/or changing times.
December: Christmas Luncheon and festive poems.

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2013 meetings 

January: AGM & a poem on winter or new beginnings.
March:  A poem on woods, fields or hills.
April:  A poem about children or on childhood.
Poetry Reading (Callenders, Hailsham):
May: A poem on the number 13 or other superstitions.
June:  A poem by a favourite poet, plus a poem on a city, town or village.
July: Summer Meeting: A poem on the spirit of summer.
September:  E.B.J.  Adjudication Evening.
October:  A poem on living in the 21st Century.
November:  A poem in a set form plus a free choice.
December: Christmas Luncheon and festive poems.

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2012 meetings

January: AGM & The Morning After.
March:  The life and poetry of Rudyard kipling - Guest speaker.
April:  A journey - physical or spiritual.
May: Paganism.
June:  A poem of love or romance.
Summer Meeting: A poem on the spirit of summer.
September:  E.B.J.  Adjudication Evening.
October:  Ghosts, beasties and things that go bump in the night.
November:  Martyrs or Armistice.
December: Christmas Luncheon and festive poems.